We have all at some point in our lives suffered from neck pain. Neck pain can have many causes.

The most common causes of neck pain are:

  • Pinched Nerve – a vertebra is out of alignment and impinging upon a nerve in the neck
  • Whiplash – neck is injured by the trauma of being thrown forward and backward or side to side pulling muscles in the neck often accompanied by muscle spasms
  • Herniated disc – a vertebra in the neck is bulging, slipped, or ruptured
  • Infection – Infection of the throat causing lymph nodes in the neck to swell which can cause pain
  • Osteomyelitis – bones in the neck infected with a virus or bacteria causing swelling/pain
  • Fibromyalgia – tenderness in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues of the neck (often found in other areas of the body as well).

You can find many alternative healing modalities to help neck pain such as acupuncture, chiropractic, laser therapy, cold/hot therapy, traction, and massage.

Most Effective way to cure Neck Pain

All of these may be helpful but in my experience, I found the fastest way to relieve neck issues. This modality is energy healing. Energy healing helps the tissues of the neck to heal on a cellular level without pain or discomfort. For thousands of years, almost every culture throughout the world have this type of healing technique. But is not so popular in the USA.

An energy healing practitioner is someone who is able to send what is known as life-force, bio-energy, chi, ki, prana, or mana to the client. This healing energy brings balance and restoration to the tissues of the body. I have seen many clients completely relieved of neck pain within one or two 1 hour sessions. Sometimes the neck pain is gone within minutes of initiating a healing session.

How does Energy Healing work?

Recently I had an energy healing session with a client “Alice” who had pain down the right side of her neck. I asked what her pain level was from 1-10 and she said: “about an 8” and the pain is also going into right my shoulder area. So I told her to focus on the pain and any emotion she connected with the pain. She said she felt like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulder. So I then sent energy into the neck and shoulder for about 10min. The pain went down to a 3. I then had her focus again on the pain and emotions she connected to the pain. We did another ten minutes and she said the pain faded to zero AND she was at peace with the issues causing her to feel the weight of the world on her shoulders.

My Specialization and facts from research

I find when working with pain issues that there is often emotional energy somehow connected to it such as anger, fear, anxiety, and sadness. This may sound strange and new-age to some but the truth is that the root cause of many ailments is stress. I find if we work on the physical and emotional issues at the same time the outcomes are much better and my clients are happier and more peaceful as well.

I specialize in something called remote/distance energy healing. We call it distant healing because it can be possible to do by phone or by Skype so there is no waiting in an office and possible to do in the comfort of your own home. I send the healing energy to the source of pain in the neck area and the cells begin to respond to the bio-energy almost immediately. If you would like to experience neck pain relief feel free to book your remote energy healing session now then call me at 702-768-1804 or email me at SCL555@cox.net for the most convenient session time.

You may also want to learn how cold laser or low-level laser therapy can greatly reduce your neck pain: https://energyhealersteve.com/cold-laser-equipment/

Health Blessings

Energy Healer Steve


If you are ready to get rid of your neck pain book a healing session here now:

By Published On: June 22, 2015Categories: The Fastest CureComments Off on The Fastest Cure For Neck Pain

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About the Author: Steve Levine