Cold Laser Therapy For Fertility

Western medicine has maintained that aging and poor egg quality are irreversible. Research with cold laser therapy has shown that it may be possible to improve egg quality and improve fertility in women.  Studies show that cold laser therapy used on acupuncture points on the neck and over the abdomen enhance mitochondrial activity and ATP production, increase blood flow and helps to reduce damage from free radicals. These studies have shown cold laser therapy may significantly boost the pregnancy rates of women who have been unsuccessful with other assisted reproductive treatments such as in vitro fertilization.

Every cell in the body has a mitochondria which releases adenosine triphosphate or ATP. Women’s eggs have almost 200 times more mitochondria than any other cell in the body. Mitochondria of older eggs produce less ATP, which is the source of cellular energy. This has a significant impact on fertility, as the rate of division and successful implantation of embryos has more to do with how much energy (ATP) the eggs are producing than with maternal age.

The capacity of cold  laser therapy to improve the ATP production of eggs has a potentially dramatic effect on their viability.  When eggs develop, they use a significant amount of energy. Implantation and early embryo division also use great stores of energy. Most clinics for reproductive medicine believe that after 35 years of age, mitochondria of the eggs wear down and by age 40, as many as 9 out of 10 eggs may be abnormal.

By using cold laser therapy to increase energy level (ATP) in the cells, improve blood circulation to the follicles and uterus, and reduce inflammation, it is possible to have greater success in producing viable eggs and a receptive uterine lining in the hopes of having a successful pregnancy. The LTP-100IR can be used over the lower abdomen/pelvic area for 30 min or more per day to increase fertility.

There are several acupuncture points that can be used to increase fertility, decrease inflammation, and increase vitality of the mitochondria. Using the LTP-100IR  cold laser for 1-2 min  on each of these points can have a positive effect on fertility.

Kidney 3

Kidney-3: This point is known for its association with the Kidney meridian, which plays a vital role in fertility. Stimulating Kidney-3 may help improve kidney function, support hormonal balance, and enhance reproductive health.

Kidney Meridian

Spleen 6

Spleen-6: Located on the inner leg, this acupuncture point is believed to promote blood flow to the pelvic area, enhance fertility, and regulate the menstrual cycle.

acu-point: Three Yin Intersection (Spleen 6) | WakoWa Salon: Everyday Wellness

Liver 3 – This point is located on the dorsum of the foot (top side), in the webbing between the first and second toe. This point helps regulate the menstrual cycle, benefits the ovaries and uterus, helps build the blood, and also helps with headaches, stress/anxiety, and insomnia.

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Heavenly Pillars

Benefits: Relieves the following common complaints during pregnancy: stress, exhaustion, insomnia, head congestion, stiff neck, and swollen eyes. These points are used to bring harmony between the upper body (heaven) and lower body (earth).

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Ren 6 – This point is located on the lower abdomen midline, about two finger-widths below the belly button. The Ren channel, also called the Conception channel, is an important channel for female and male fertility. This point’s name translates to Sea of Qi, so it is especially important in building the qi of the body up and helps to build our body’s reserve tank. It also helps to build the blood, regulate hormones, and treats a large variety of gynecological disorders.

Golden Monkey Healing - This point is located on the mid-line of the abdomen, about 1 ½ thumb-breadths directly below the belly button. Ren 6 can be used to help with abdominal

Fertility Blessings



By Published On: August 6, 2023Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Cold Laser Therapy For Fertility

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About the Author: Steve Levine