Cold Laser Reviews From our valuable Customers
Steve Cannon
I ordered the LTP-100IR for my painful trigger finger. The laser completely relieved the pain and the trigger finger is almost completely gone! It works!
Steve Cannon
Dr Antone Eason on The Terahertz Healing Wand
I am a 60-year-old male- physician and data scientist in great shape and blessed with extreme athleticism throughout my life. My experience with Steve actually began about 2 years ago when I bought the “Laser Model- Cold Laser Therapy Pen LTP – 100 IR 150mw 808nm Infrared Cold Laser (Best For Deeper Issues)”. However, I did not open the package until about 2 weeks ago. I injured my left arm playing tennis but did not feel in the end I needed the laser to heal up. Next, a few months later, I was racing a friend of mine on a row machine and was moving very fast per stroke. My speed exceeded the matching ability for the row machine to recover with tension and I pulled up nothing but air. My back was immediately injured. I became virtually unable to move in the next few hours and the next day I could not move without excruciating pain.
A few days later I was able to begin walking and then I would jog about a week later, but for 6 months, I was unable to jog faster and extend my right leg without serious pain. So, I decided to push it past the pain and jog faster- well that was the end. I went down almost instantly and severely reinjured my back and right leg. I thought it would get better after a few days and I could return to slow jogging, but it never did. After 30 days, it was then I opened the laser and spoke to Steve about the use, and this is when Steve told me about the Terahertz device.
It should be mentioned, I was in very bad pain when I was talking to Steve and the injury overall seemed to be progressing almost like a demyelinating nerve disease. I instantly bought the Terahertz device and offered to buy anything and everything else to help me, but Steve insisted at this time, for this back injury- the Terahertz device was the best healing solution. The pain level fluctuated on a scale of 1 to 10 in the range of 7 to 10 for the past 72 hours. The progression of the damage had increased to the point, I could not sit without pain and standing caused less pain, but eventually I would have to sit in pain and then stand again in less pain. I also was unable to dress myself for the last few days due to the progression of the injury. Next since my Terahertz device would not arrive for 2 days- I purchased two remote healing sessions with Steve. If it were not for the first remote healing session, I am not sure what would have happened. I may have had to be put into a medically induced coma from the pain. As Steve began the session- my back muscles began giving off a bubbly sensation and when he was done, I was essentially pain free to walk and ultimately very confused at what just happened.
I will post another review about my experience using remote healing and the Terahertz device in the next 90 days or less- depending on my rate of healing. Needless to say, as a physician and data scientist- remote healing simply does not compute with our current body of mainstream conventional medical knowledge. Please be clear as well, I am a Christian as is Steve. I have had a profound calling by God to study and share his Word with others so they may be Saved and have eternal life in Heaven with Christ Jesus. I am also currently writing a book and developing a computer program on Christianity and the Holy Bible. So, please do not think there is satanic forces or witchcraft is involved with remote healing or frequency healing- it is just simply healing technology that is not fully understood– the same as many medications that read- “Mechanism Of Action Is Not Fully Understood”.
I am so thankful to God that led me to Steve. For me, it was the remote healing session that turned the corner from intolerable pain to tolerable pain with episodes of worsening pain but no pain at the level the day I spoke with Steve before receiving the Terahertz device. I now can sit, and work and I even forget to take a break after an hour or more to walk around. Before the remote healing session, I was getting up every few minutes and even stacked books up high on my desk to place my keyboard to allow me to stand and type. I have now had the Terahertz device for 10 days and the pain level has significantly reduced to range of 3-6 depending on movement. Steve is thinking my psoas muscle is damaged and I agree. The psoas muscle is large and takes months if not a year or more to completely heal depending on the extent of the injury. This being said, there may be other injuries as well to L3, L4, L5 and S1, S2, S3, S4, S5. I have not had an MRI nor x-rays, but I know that surgery only provides 33% chance statistically of improvement and 33% chance of getting worse- so not for me. I will give an update in the next month on my progress and the use of the Terahertz device.
My contact info is below- feel free to contact me and we can either discuss my story over the phone or on the computer using video conferencing. Lastly, folks do not be afraid to post your email address- it goes a long way to believing the reviews are authentic and being able to converse with one another. Remember, your email address is known to hundreds of companies, just check your junk folder or inbox for that matter. Phone numbers are risky for sure since phone numbers can be hijacked quite easily.
Take care,
Antone L. Eason
X: RogueMDInChrist